Website Design

Read Consulting Services has been creating websites since 1999.  There have been many changes within the web design industry since we began designing websites.  We have kept up with this constant change and excelled at creating leading edge websites that deliver content in a clear and concise manner.

Long gone are the days of websites that are laid out using tables and frames.  We now use Cascading Style Sheets, which allow us to create sites whose look and layout are easily changed by modifying a single file.  As they are made, these changes then cascade throughout the website quickly.

Static content is also quickly becoming a thing of the past, as companies aim to provide up-to date information on their sites.  We can provide  websites with dynamic content that can be changed by the site’s owners via simple to use forms within a password protected administrative area.  Things like upcoming special events and holidays can be displayed automatically based your choices.

Achieving the best possible rank on search engines is one of our priorities.  High ranks allow our clients to be displayed at the top of the search results listing.  Search engines are constantly changing the criteria that they use to rank pages so we work hard to stay on top of the technologies that popular search sites use.  We are constantly consulting with our clients to help them gain the best rank that they can possibly achieve.

We work hard to help our customers to put themselves on the leading edge of the World Wide Web.

Contact us today for more information on what we can do to help improve your website!